Sunday, January 13, 2013


UNSC Cadet Thomas Lasky must conquer his inner fears and join forces with super-soldier John-117 to take down a massive faction of the Covenant.

Cast: Tom Green ,Anna popplewell, Enisha Brewster
Release date : November 21,2013
Rating IMDB : 7,4
Director : Stewart Hendler

In 2525, as mankind has begun to colonise space, a group of cadets are training to fight against human insurrectionists. One of these cadets, Thomas Lasky, has doubts about his abilities as a soldier and his convictions for this war. Whilst he struggles with himself, the planet is invaded by an unknown alien race. Reeling under the assault, Lasky and his squad mates are rescued by John-117, one of the UNSC's legendary SPARTAN-II super-soldiers. John must inspire Lasky to fulfill his potential as a soldier and a leader to fight against an enemy deadlier than any that humanity has faced before

Pada 2525, sebagai umat manusia sudah mulai menjajah suatu ruang, sekelompok "cadets" yang berlatih untuk melawan pemberontak manusia. Salah satu prajurit, Thomas Lasky, memiliki keraguan tentang kemampuannya sebagai prajurit dan keyakinannya untuk perang ini. Sementara ia berjuang dengan dirinya sendiri, planet ini diserang oleh ras alien yang tidak diketahui. Dilanda serangan itu, Lasky dan rekan-rekan timnya yang diselamatkan oleh John-117, salah satu legendaris Dewan Keamanan PBB SPARTAN-II super-prajurit. John harus menginspirasi Lasky untuk memenuhi potensinya sebagai seorang prajurit dan seorang pemimpin untuk melawan suatu musuh mematikan daripada melawan manusia sebelumnya.


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