Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New Shaolin temple


听人们说这部电影好看好激动就2011年2月7日我跟两个朋友 到电影院看新的电影。我去了电影院是UME是国际电影院。这家电影院的地址是中国浙江省杭州市西湖区文二西路551号 电话号码是0571-88100999。其实这个电影院很好不过看电影院的时候他们让顾客随便坐下座。看少林寺的电影院里不太大只座的下大概一百人。我们坐在面前4排5座感觉还可以,看得清楚。虽然这个电影只有中文字幕但是看演员演出能猜得出大概的意思。我也觉得我的汉语听力能力越来越强。我看电影的时候我有时候苦着常常把手擦我的眼泪。我对这部电影感觉很感动,很多好的人去世了。我很久没有看感动的电影,那天我的心情变得更好,感觉积极得继续生活。
UME location

Tempat beli tiket film

New shaolin temple

synopsis (简介电影):

这部电影来说有一个军叫候杰(刘德华). 他成功的战胜敌人叫候龙(陈之辉.在少林寺他射击候龙然后笑着就离开少林寺.

China is plunged into strife as feuding warlords try to expand their power by warring over neighboring lands. Fuelled by his success on the battlefield, young and arrogant Hao Jie sneers at Shaolin's masters after killing a rival warlord on their temple grounds. But the glory comes before a fall. His own family is wiped out in an unexpected turn of events and Hao is forced to take refuge with the monks. As the civil unrest spreads and the people suffer, Hao and the Shaolin masters are forced to take a fiery stand against the evil warlords. They launch a daring plan of rescue and escape. Written by Anonymous

Starring ( 演员):
  1. 侯杰=刘德华
  2. 曹蛮=谢霆锋
  3. 悟到=成龙
  4. 颜夕=范冰冰


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